So this is it...

I was never sure if this blog would be public, or even if it was a good idea to talk about my mental health in this way. I have Bipolar Disorder. But then I figured if I had diabetes, I wouldn't be ashamed of chronicling it in a blog. And that is the problem with mental health issues.

I have a disorder that most likely I was born with, that triggered in my early twenties and will need managing my whole life. Mental health needs talking about more.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Is there a stigma?

When I first published this blog many people commented to me that I was very brave sharing my mental health problems in this way.  At my recent consultant appointment, the registrar asked if it was ok to write in my notes that I was seeing a psychiatrist in case someone read it.  I have always justified my relatively open attitude to my bipolar by comparing it other chronic medical conditions, like diabetes.  If I wouldn’t be ashamed of talking about something like that, why should I be ashamed of being bipolar? 
Mental health is different though.  Rethink mental health and Mind are currently running a campaign called “Time to Change”, encouraging people to be more open about mental health in an effort to reduce the stigma and discrimination.  Their studies show that 9 out of 10 people with mental illness reported a negative impact of stigma and discrimination.  Their aim is to reduce discrimination by 5% and to get people talking about mental health more. 
Why is mental health so difficult to talk about?  Possibly it is a belief that it isn’t a real illness, isn’t caused by a bug or a virus.  Perhaps because it is hard to diagnose- you can’t look at bipolar or depression under a microscope.  Or maybe it is that is about feelings and emotions and somehow being weak.  Whatever the issue it does need to change.  There are so many stereotypes of mental illness that have relatively little basis in fact. 
I have definitely experienced the stigma attached to having bipolar, and possibly discrimination.  Why shouldn’t I have my medical condition and treatment on my antenatal notes, why do receptionists feel the need to whisper or use hushed tones (in the manner of old ladies using rude words).  Many people do treat me differently when they know. Often interpreting everything through the view of bipolar- not accepting that sometimes I might just be sad, angry, happy etc.  I have lost friends since my diagnosis, and through being ill.  Not suddenly, but gradually over time, people perhaps can’t wait for you to “pull yourself together” or cheer up.  Or they just don’t know what to say.  Absence from work for mental health reasons is rarely seen as acceptable.  I worked with someone once who had a chronic lung condition, which often led to short and extended time off work. This was never met with anything but sympathy and support.  I can’t say I have always been so lucky.  And I don’t mean from employers, I am lucky in that regard, but from colleagues.  Mental illness is a weakness, one we are supposed to be able to fix ourselves.  As to discrimination, I can’t pinpoint any examples, but I can never be sure that a job application won’t be immediately binned when they see my condition. 
I don’t think there is the same taboo attached to mental health as there used to be, it is certainly much easier to talk about now than in the past.  But the stigma is still there, still needs addressing.  So I challenge you to sign up to the Time to Change pledge- talk about mental health. 

Sunday, 6 May 2012

If life gives you lemons...

...make lemonade, says the proverb. It is very easy to pick out the negatives of bipolar, to mull over the limitations it places on me, the disadvantages of my condition. However, recently I have been trying to consider the flip side, the positive personality traits I am bestowed with due to my illness. What good or positive can I spin out if this hand I have been dealt?

Well I can be very passionate about issues. All sorts of issues, sometimes I just like to discuss, no matter the topic!  Perhaps this enthusiasm, the passion with which I can decipher an issue and present it to others stems from my different brain wiring.  Maybe my reflective nature, my need to deeply consider things from all angles is down to the way my brain chemicals function.

History is littered with people suffering from bipolar who have made significant contributions to the arts, politics and literature. Van Gogh was apparently bipolar, with some of his greatest paintings, the result of his high manic states. Others include Winston Churchill, Buzz Aldren and Robin Williams. Bearing in mind only 1% of the population have a diagnosis of bipolar, perhaps there is something positive about this condition, creative, inspiring that drives so many sufferers into  influential spheres of society.

Don't get me wrong, if I could make it go away I would, without a second thought. I am a Christian and can't deny that I haven't struggled many times with why I have been made in this way. Why should I have to deal with this condition, its limitations. Why would I be created this way. Looking at the positives helps with this, perhaps it is integral to me and my purpose in life.  Perhaps having bipolar holds some potential, a creative, spiritual sense that is essential to my journey. Instead of  disorder maybe it is a potency, a potential that can be constructive and just maybe outstanding.