So this is it...

I was never sure if this blog would be public, or even if it was a good idea to talk about my mental health in this way. I have Bipolar Disorder. But then I figured if I had diabetes, I wouldn't be ashamed of chronicling it in a blog. And that is the problem with mental health issues.

I have a disorder that most likely I was born with, that triggered in my early twenties and will need managing my whole life. Mental health needs talking about more.

Monday 16 April 2012

Only in mental health

Ten weeks ago when I last saw my midwife I was told she would refer me to a specialist mental health midwife.  I saw one during my last pregnancy and found it really helpful. However, I still haven't heard anything.  So I have tried ringing the surgery to leave a message for the midwife.  The receptionist won't let me, she looks on system and when I say the dangerous code word "mental health" she speaks in hushed tones and starts searching on her computer.  Being the medical expert, she then decides that I need a phone consultation with the doctor as, "he has helped with 'these things' before, also spoken in hushed tones.  I wonder whether she adopts this tone when talking about other medical conditions.  I try and explain that in fact I am not sure the doctor can help, seeing as this is a maternity issue, and I haven't seen my GP for months.  No she assures me with matters "such as these" a doctor would be best.

I am now 23 weeks pregnant, over half way through.  I am not taking medication and therefore finding it quite hard.  Truth is I am really struggling, and I need the medical help that I am entitled to.  I hate to keep making comparisons, but wonder if other pregnant women with high risk conditions have to wait this long and go through such a process to get the help they need with their medical condition.  Mental health is the poor relation of the health service.  It is dealt in hushed tones, code words and generally left to the bottom of the pile. I need this help now and it isn't the first time I have had this kind of circular chase for services.  Twice in the past I have 'dropped off' the waiting list for counselling and other services.

But I will await my phonecall, and imagine when the doctor decides that he can't actually help I will start battling with receptionists all over again....